
March 29, 2010

Mobile Applications : The Next Billion Users

A thought provoking talk that examines the ubiquitous use of mobile technology as it shapes today's consumer lifestyle.The market for mobile applications is viewed from the perspective of a mobile app developer and a consumer. This talk serves as an excellent food-for-thought for entrepreneurs and business development managers focused on increasing the appeal of their mobile apps amongst their target consumers

"Mobile Applications: The Next Billion Users"

Mobile devices have become an indispensable part of our lifestyles, and serve to make life easy, organized, less complicated and fun, for users who may have never used a computer before, or may not want to. But for that to happen, you need applications that take into account the environment and the technologies that these applications need to work with, and the way people expect to use them. This talk highlights these expectations, and the opportunities for developers to address them.

"Optimization & Performance Tuning in Mobile Apps"

Phew, Its painfully slow. It takes ages to get it done. Is this what is our application well known for? How can I improve its perception as its amazing fast. Am i making right design decisions for this tiny constraint device? I am too greedy for having everything on my finger tips.

"Mobile Wep Applications & Services"

Thank you web applications & services. You give me all the data I need. Mobile has sweetened it by allowing me to access it from anywhere. What kind of data, applications, services are users really looking for from a web on a mobile phone? How can I leverage cloud computing?

"Application Development for Enterprise"

What constructs an enterprise application? Ability to communicate via email, calls, watch presence, instant messaging, etc. I can also read / update various corporate data. Having access to the data required easily from mobile at a given time enables better productivity. Are there any security concerns gripping enterprise data being accessed from mobile phone?

"Casual Games on Mobile"

Gone are the days, when I have to be at a place to play a game. Now, I can play it from my mobile phone whenever & wherever I want. I love playing different games whenever and wherever I am. It is getting more addictive and fun, while at the same time quite educative. The experience is improving overwhelmingly.

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